Walter Frodl and Franz Walliser

FRODL, WALTER (Strasburgo, 1908 - Vienna, 1994)

Head of the German Office for the Protection of Artistic Heritage of the Adriatic Littoral, Director of Carinthian National Museum, Art historian

The Art historian Walter Frodl, in 1936, was appointed Head of Carinthian Monuments and Fine Arts Office (Landeskonservator für Kärnten im Klagenfurt); in 1939, after the annexation of Austria. Frodl had to select which works of art were to be taken for Hitler´s projected art museum in Linz and other private Nazi collections. In 1943, after the appointment as director of the National Museum of Carinthia (Landesmuseum Kärnten), he was placed at the head of the German Office for the Protection of Artistic Heritage of the Adriatic Littoral (Unterabteilung Kunst und Denkmalschutz). After World War II, he began his career as a Professor of art history.
As head of the Unterabteilung, Frodl collaborated with Someda de Marco for the protection of the artistic heritage of the Adriatic Littoral. Thanks to an exchange of letters, the relationship between them continued even after 1945.

M. Wedekind, Kunstschutz und Kunstraub im Zeichen von Expansionsstreben und Revanche: Nationalsozialistische Kulturpolitik in den Operationszonen “Alpenvorland” und “Adriatisches Küstenland” 1943-1945, in Kunsthistoriker im Krieg. Deutscher Militärischer Kunstschutz in Italien 1943-1945, a cura di Christian Fuhrmeister et al., Wien - Köln - Weimar, 2012, pp. 166-167
Dictionary of Art Historians