Nicolussi-Moretto, Antonio (Luserna, 1901-?, 1975)


Antonio Nicolussi-Moretto had been active in the Superintendency of Antiquities in Padua, then in Trento and, during the “South Tyrolean” options of 1940, he had opted for German citizenship. As a collaborator of the Carinthian Reichsgaumuseum he was called in 1943 in the subsection of Section V in the Trieste High Commissioner, where he worked alongside Erika Hanfstaengl. After the war, from 1957 to 1971, he was active in Carinthia as a museum inspector.

M. Wedekind, Kunstschutz und Kunstraub im Zeichen von Expansionsstreben und Revanche: Nationalsozialistische Kulturpolitik in den ‘Operationszonen Alpenvorland’ und ‘Adriatisches Küstenland’ 1943-1945, in (C. Fuhrmeister et al. eds.), Kunsthistoriker im Krieg. Deutscher Militärischer Kunstschutz in Italien 1943-1945, Vienna - Cologne - Weimar, 2012, pp. 153-171