Someda de Marco writes, with relief and satisfaction: “Tutto il patrimonio artistico in diretta custodia è salvo”. However, the art heritage in Friuli had suffered great losses: the church of Santa Croce in Casarsa, the Loggia Comunale in Venzone and, in Udine, the frescoed dome of the Duomo, by Dorigny, as well as part of the Archivio Notarile. The work for safety and recovery was carried out immediately and in particular in the partially destroyed church of S. Francesco, with an attempt to salvage the frescoed decoration , and in the church of S. Maria in Castello . On May 16th, Someda reported that Inspector Piazzo Ispettore Piazzo had been appointed Regent Superintendent, in the event of the isolation of the city of Trieste. Two days later, Major Norman T. Newton, an official of the Subcommission MFAA (Monuments, Fine Arts, Archives) of the Allied Forces, arrived in Udine. Together with Someda de Marco, he conducted a thorough survey of the state of conservation of the achitectural monuments in Friuli and visited Casarsa, Provesano, Barbeano, Spilimbergo, Fagagna and Venzone. As for the deposits, “just to be safe” it was decided to leave the artworks in the shelters and enclosed in crates, in the hopes of better times ahead. The last words of the Diary are: “Auspichiamo si approssimi il giorno in cui si possa riportarle senza timori alle loro sedi alle luci della pace e della libertà.” (25 maggio 1945)